Where There is #Morgellons There is Hope

I use bioresonance to help me assess my progress when self medicating, and as I have scanned a lot of people in the 7 years I have been using it, I am confident with the results.

So I had the best news I have had in a very long time, as I used the ‘comparative analysis’ tool on my machine, and compared my results to my results from 2 months ago, and look what I found…

Here is a scan of the Encephalon area of my brain, bottom view.

The image on the left is from the 1st April 2020, and image on the right is 6th June 2020. The scanner gives a scale of one to six, detailed by the coloured dots and triangles seen on the images. Number one would be perfect function and health and six is worst case. White is one, and black would be six (no black dots here!). As you can see the first image has some healthy areas towards the bottom half of Encephalon, but top left and most of right section has higher numbers, a mixture of red and orange triangles (3’s and 4’s).

The next image, from June, reveals all 1’s and 2’s which accounts for a whopping great 73% ‘strengthening compensatory

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Next you can see the nerves of back show a ‘strengthening compensatory reaction’ of 24%:

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Here the ‘vertebro spinal nerves ‘strengthening compensatory reaction’ is 18%:

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In nuclei of cranial nerves, view from behind, we see strengthening reaction of 37%:

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In the veins of crus, it is 24%:

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In arteries of right foot, we see 54%:

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Transversal section of the heart is 44%:

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Vessels of anterior heart wall at 32%:

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Arteries of brain, view from below, is 39%:

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Arteries of cerebrum, is 44%:

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Longitudinal section of left kidney is 12%:

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The liver, back view is 3%:

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Branches of superior mesenteric artery and portal vein, is 19%:

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The gallbladder is unfortunately WEAKENING by 27%:

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I was disappointed to see that my gallbladder had gotten considerably worse, but before long I concluded that it was to be expected. I had observed this previously when following detox and parasite protocols. The gallbladder of course nestles inside the liver and functions as a bile reservoir. As a consequence of it being attached to the liver, it does receive a lot of toxins which can build up with lipids, dead parasites and minerals to form gallstones.

The Bioresonance scanner indicated I have gallstones in the gallbladder, this has been an ongoing issue for years especially when removing ropeworm /biofilm and so I must find the courage to do a gallbladder flush.

Gallbladder Flush

I say courage because for some reason doing a flush floors me. Some say it’s possible to have an issue with magnesium sulphite (epsom salts), but the flush takes it out of me and I am bedridden for at least a couple of days post flush. It is nonetheless quite an important thing to consider when detoxing from Lyme, Morgellons and parasites.

Toxins are secreted in our bile, and through bile secretion toxins continue to recirculate through the body, which is why mould illness practitioners use Cholestyramine, a bile sequestrant, to bring down the toxic burden in the body. Mould toxins produce a lot of what is called mycotoxins in the body and these are known to be most harmful, making people suffering with mould illness very sick indeed.

So I accepted the decline in gallbladder health, the remarkable increase in vascular and nerve health was a great consolation and kept me taking the Disulfiram (for Morgellons and Lyme Disease), despite having the issue with my taste.

As I mentioned in my previous post, there appears to be some temporary issue with my taste response, the scanner shows ‘Geographic Tongue‘ and ‘Burning Mouth Syndrome‘ and I experience a permanent metallic/salty taste which has taken the pleasure away from eating and making me make bad choices as I reach for sweet foods to take the taste away. It is unpleasant as my salivary glands are hypersecreting also and the scanner shows ‘bacterial infection of salivary glands’ but it does not specify what the infection is. Several scans have repeatedly revealed ‘Arsenic’ in the tongue when looking under the section ‘other toxins’.

Metal Chelation with Disulfiram?

Disulfiram is known as a metal chelator, it also has many documented side effects – a metallic taste being one of them as it metabolises in part, in the mouth. I am curious to know what the mechanism of reaction is here, but my Urine Toxic Metals and Mineral Analysis did not really shed any light on this, aside from Nickel being high – turns out DSF has been used specifically to chelate Nickel in chelation experiments. The test did not highlight any imbalances with Arsenic which is what I had expected to find due to finding this repeatedly in my tongue in scan results (a symptom of Arsenic poisoning is a metallic taste in the mouth). I suspect that the reason I am metabolising Disulfiram so much through my mouth is that I may be struggling to metabolise through my other detox pathways, possibly liver and stage 2 detoxification. Stage 2 detoxification relies on amino acids, and I have a hunch I am struggling to absorb these in my diet, perhaps the MD organism is utilising these amino acids.

Looking for Clues….

I am constantly trying to find patterns in my own scans, and those of my clients who have MD. Aside from the usual pathogenic suspects that come hand in hand with MD, such as parasites and fungal pathogens, I have been looking for other commonalities:

Hormone markers (usually low) such as:

Thyrotropic Hormone, Free Thyroxine, Common Thyroxine, Thyroglobulin.

Lipid Imbalances (usually high):

Free Plasma Cholesterin, Common Cholesterin, Neutral Fats of Plasma, Tryglycerides.

Vasculature and Thrombotic Markers (usually high):

Serum Fibrinogen, Angiotensin 11

Immune Markers:

Monocytes, Blood Leukocytes, Lymphocytes, Immunoglobulin, Beta Globulin

Metals found in bloods and hair:

This most common seems to be Rubidium, Zirconium, Strontium and Lead, followed by Cadmium, Amalgam (which includes Mercury) and Mercury.


Mycotoxins seen in every client, in order of frequency:

Aflatoxins B1 and M1, Deoxynivalenol, T2 Toxin, Orotoxin, Patulin, Rubratoxin.

Flumayt (Acaricide), Kolfulgo Super (Fungicide)

Nitrates and Insecticides.


Toxic Stress Load:

Acetone, Cadmium Chemical, Silver Amalgam, Histidine, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), Polystyrene, Manganese Peroxide, Azidothymidine and Tetracycline (I am baffled as to why these medications appear in almost every persons scan, unless these are in the foods we are eating).

For each scan I am delivered a phenomenal amount of information, which I have to pick through. Baring in mind, the machine will pick up on issues far enough in advance to intercept a condition, nonetheless I save most of the information in order for myself and the client to use the principle of ‘prevention is better than cure’. The vast amount of possibilities the software suggests can be overwhelming but we can often rationalise why these potential illness have been suggested, and balance lifestyle and environment accordingly.

Often these health issues flagged can be genetic, and we all have many genetic predispositions, which can be switched on in one moment and switched off in another, this is known as Epigenetics. I am looking for commonalities amongst Morgellons patients here also.

Common suggestions by the machine for genetic diseases are:

Sjogrens, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Burkitt Lymphoma, Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Candidiasis (APECED, APS1 gene), Alzheimer’s (apoE gene), Zellweger Syndrome, Sickle Cell Anemia (HBB gene), Lupus, Long QT Syndrome.

Pathogenic Markers

The strongest commonalities are of course the Pathogens, and here is what we see amongst all MD clients:

Ascaris, Parvovirus Canine B type, Schistosoma Mansoni and Schistosoma Haematobium, Lyme Disease, Leptospirosis, Tapeworm, Microsporum, Pseudomonas, Trichomonas, Dirofilaria, Pinworm, Basidiomycetes, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Meningococcemia, Heartworm, Klebsiella, Mucor racemosus, Strongyloides, Cephalosporium, Cryptosporidium, Malaria, Aspergillus Niger and Aspergillus Terreus, Tularemia, Microbacterium – various, Candida Albicans, Mycoplasma, Rickettsiae, Haemobartonella Felis, Helicobacter Pylori, Yellow Fever, Malassezia Furfur, Follicular Mange.


Atherosclerosis, Dyscirculatory Encephalopathy, Intestinal Dysbacteriosis, Hypothyroidism, Diffuse Goiter, Chronic Tiredness Syndrome, AIDS (Immunodeficiency), Haematomachrosis, Scleroderma.

Nervous System Diseases

Kuru, Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease.

Note that all clients NHS blood work is ‘fine’, all within range.

Proteins and Amino Acids

My latest interest has been on something I see come up in my own and other clients results is the repeated issue ‘protein normalise’.

I have also noticed that I can no longer tolerate whey protein, which although provides me with almost instant evacuation of Ropeworm, it has also been quite distressing and caused considerable nausea. The evacuation is not usual fecal matter, just Rope, which is what is making me contemplate. Around this time a client passed on an interesting article written and researched by Clifford Carnicom at the Carnicom Institute, in which he comments on whey protein and his observations of amino acid metabolism deficiency in Morgellons Disease. I question if there is a connection there. Carnicom rumerates that the Lactoferrin in Whey protein may act as an Iron chelator, and by doing so starves the organism, which is, ordinarily, utilizing our Iron to survive.

Iron and Morgellons

Clifford Carnicom has done phenomenal research into MD, and specifically the specimens found in the environment that relate to MD. In one of his papers titled ‘Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis – PART III POTENTIAL MITIGATING STRATEGIES (RESEARCH BASED)’ he talks about Iron and its relationship with MD:

“We know now that the organism uses iron for its existence and growth.  It appears that iron in the further oxidized state (i.e, Fe3+) is of primary benefit to the organism.  We also know, in retrospect, that iron is a critical metabolic element within many of the bacteria (or bacteria-archaea like forms).  One strategy that develops with such organism is that of inhibiting the ability of the organism to access or metabolize the iron.  This once again brings up the idea of a chelator.  This topic has also been discussed in an earlier paper, and introduced the role of human breast milk and its resistance to bacterial forms in infant growth96. Lactoferrin (found in whey) was identified as a potential strong chelating protein within that research.  Transferrin is another protein chelator within the human digestive tract that serves a similar purpose, i.e., binding of the iron and consequently it becomes less accessible to iron-consuming bacteria (or bacteria-archea like forms).”

Clifford began this study in 2013, with the introduction to the first part of his study stating what he was hypothesising about:

“A body of evidence, accumulated over a period of several years, reveals that the Morgellons condition is likely characterized by a host of serious physiological and metabolic imbalances. These imbalances are caused by the disruption of a variety of major body processes including, as a minimum, the regulation of metabolism by the thyroid, potential liver enlargement, a decrease of oxygen in the circulatory system, the utilization of amino acids important to the body, the oxidation of iron and a potential impact to neural pathways. The impact of this degradation to human health can be concluded to be serious, debilitating and potentially lethal in the cumulative sense; the reports of those who suffer from the condition are in alignment with these conclusions”

Clifford by this time had studied Morgellons filaments for a long time and painstakingly came to the conclusion in his previous papers that:

“The structure of the filament form appears to be, based upon the best available information to date, primarily that of an “polycyclic organo-metallic halogenated aromatic amine”. Substantial evidence also exists for the coupling of a iron-amino acid (cysteine and histidine dipeptide complex). The implications of such a compound and structure upon human health are profound.”

Most pathogenic diseases use Iron to grow, and its pretty obvious that Morgellons would do so too when you think about it, but armed with this knowledge what are we to do? Supplementing with Iron to counteract the Iron that is being taken from us will surely mean we are adding fuel to the fire, and the same with our amino acids, in the form of protein in our diets?

What is interesting is the frequency of which we see iron (specifically oxygen and iron) related blood disorders such as sickle cell suggested by the machine. Sickle Cell is associated with Iron overload, yet we also see anemias featured concurrently. Clifford in his later studies, remarks on how the red blood cells are still plentiful, it just appears that the transportation of oxygen is seriously compromised and the cells are damaged.

The clue that Whey Protein is clearly causing extreme expulsion of Ropeworm, leads me to believe that perhaps chelation is the key to treating MD. This is not something new, it’s what many people do to experiment with detoxing and improving many health conditions, but I am becoming more and more convinced it may be the answer to controlling MD, though I think we are far away from a cure. Despite people like Clifford Carnicom and others such as Marianne Middleveen’s great work, it appears science simply cannot catch up with a disease that often appears to be operating in a reality in the distant future and not playing to the rules of the present.

Morgellons and Histamine

Carnicom observes also that one of the amino acids the filament uses in its ‘make-up’ is Histidine, which is also a common marker I see flagged up with those of us with MD:

“Notice that one of the amino acids discovered in the more current research is exactly that same amino acid, histidine.  In addition to the diversion of iron (an consequently the loss of oxygen) from the human blood to support the growth of the organism, it can reasonably be postulated that a similar diversion of this same amino acid chain, histidine in particular, is also taking place to support the growth of the organism.  This hypothesis is further supported by the extreme damage to the red blood cells that has been directly observed and reported on in association with more severe cases of the condition.”

Could it be that the Histamine response we typically see with MD – the uncontrollable itching sensations that are so debilitating to suffer, is part of what the organism is also thriving off? Or is it just a coincidence.

Carnicom later talks about the three stages he observes whilst studying the controls in his experiments, later he describes these stages as:

“The first is the chlamydia-like (bacterial like) growth stage.  The second (additional, not replacement) is the pleomorphic growth for which mycoplasma-like forms remain a candidate.  The third stage (additional, not replacement)  is the filament growth (as shown here) .  The fourth stage (additional, not replacement) is the development of erythrocytic forms within the filament growth.  Within the filament stage of growth, there are 3 stages of sub-growth that occur.  The first stage of filament growth is pure white in color.  This stage can be seen on the boundaries and edges of the primary growth shown above.  This stage is short-lived, commonly on the order of 1-3 days.  The second stage is a transformation to a greenish color, and this dominates the mid-stage of growth as shown above.  This stage can commonly last on the order of two to three weeks.  The final stage is a transformation to a deep black color (not shown).  The complete process can take commonly on the order of two to three months to complete.  When the black stage of growth is complete (mature stage) the consistency of the growth begins to approximate a tar-like nature.”

Inhibiting the growth of Morgellons

The good news is that Carnicom observed that the rate of damage to blood cells related very much to each person in the control’s diet:

“Photo 1 is an interesting case in that it represents the least impact from the CDB in the cases shown. We also see that a higher age of the individual also does not necessarily correspond to the degree of CDB infusion shown. It is known that this individual is extremely selective and disciplined with respect to diet. I think that it can be fairly stated that this individual has devoted a great deal of attention to quality of diet and nutrition over an extended period of time. Certainly a highly disciplined and healthful diet is to be considered as a factor in any future studies of this type. We also acknowledge, however, that such devoted efforts do not, in this case, entirely prevent the intrusion or infusion of CDB within the blood cells”

Carnicom does not extrapolate into specifics of the diet that the person followed in this control. He does however talk about how Vitamin C is very good for alkalising and also as an anti oxidant. Wine he concludes, is one of the best growth cultures, likely due to its acidic PH

He summarises a list of things he has found helpful in mitigating the growth of Morgellons:

“a total of six strategies have now evolved that may demonstrate or show some degree of effectiveness in the mitigation or reduction in the growth of the organism. They are:


Anti-oxidation. Increasing the utilisation and absorption of existing iron.

The inhibition of the growth of iron-consuming bacteria (and bacterial-archeal like) forms.

Improving the flow of bile in the system to further alkalize the body and aid the digestive system.

Detoxification of the liver (toxin removal and breakdown of lipids (fats).

Each of these strategies have developed through direct research, study, analysis, and/or observation within a laboratory environment. They are each offered to the medical and health community for consideration and evaluation as they apply to the human condition.”

Whats Next?

I am about to embark on metal chelation using Emeramide, a very new and apparently safe form of metal removal. I will report……

I will try to utilise the whey protein again, maybe decreasing the dose, to see if I can tolerate it easier.

The information presented in my blog on this WaverlyWellness.co.uk website does not constitute medical advice.

I would love to hear from you if you have any observations related to MD, especially if you have had it for a long time, please leave a comment on this post.

If your interested in a Bioresonance Consultation with me, please contact me here.

If you have found this post helpful please consider donating to the Carnicom Institute here

Further reading on my Bioresonance Observations:



One response to “Where There is #Morgellons There is Hope”

  1. Are Ancient Archaea Bacteria Implicated in Morgellons Disease? | Lubix Lyme and Co Avatar

    […] I use Bioresonance diagnostic testing to monitor my progress whilst self medicating and of course I set out to check that I wasn’t ingesting any toxic substances with the medication I was taking. What I found was a pleasant surprise in that in fact my health had improved phenomenally. According to the programme ‘comparative analysis’, several areas of my body which had previously caused me concern had improved remarkably, I have documented this in my previous post – https://lubixlymeandco.co.uk/2020/07/19/where-there-is-morgellons-there-is-hope […]


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